Praise be to You O God, who gives life to the dead. Praise be to You O God, who grants resurrection to the entombed. We praise You and glorify Your Father who did send you and the Holy Spirit. Barekhmor1.
O Lord, one of Trinity, who by Your own will stayed in the tomb for three days, give resurrection to our departed ones, for they were saved by Your precious blood. Moryo rahem `alay noo `adarayn.
O! merciful Lord, renew Your creation on the day of resurrection.
O! Lord, grant rest and comfort to our beloved departed ones who have lived and died with hope in You.
O! Lord grant rest to our faithful departed in the bosom of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
May the souls and bodies together cry aloud and say: glory be to the one who has come and is to come to resurrect the departed. Amen.