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With hope in the resurrection, profound sadness and with heavy heart, we share the news that our beloved Very Rev. Varghese Marunninal Corepiscopos has passed away. He was the Vicar of our St. George Church, Nanuet, New York.
His dedicated service to our Church and unwavering commitment to our faith will always be remembered with deep gratitude and respect.
During this time of grief and loss, we come together to support one another, offering our prayers and condolences to our dearest Mary Ammayi, Dyuthi, Deepthi, Diva, Tony, Millard, Olivia, Luke, Sage and all of our beloved Achen’s family members.
On behalf of our Archbishop Mor Titus Yeldho and all the members of our Archdiocese, condolences to the bereaving familiy members.